Saturday, May 18, 2024

Heawold (Kings of War)


King Charles having struck a deal with the Scots for an army, a Covenanter army roams the north English countryside. At the farming village of Heawold, the Scots try to hit the Parliamentarian army from two sides.

This was a messy battle-game. Because the Scots placed infantry on thier extreme flanks and cavalry in the middle, the Parliament forces were able to entirely rout the Scot cavalry quickly, because it simply took a long time for the flanking infantry to get towards the middle again.

 The Scots infantry also took rather a lot of casualties closing in on the Parliament lines, and the whole thing looked a bit like a catastrophe for the Scots for a second. But then casualties on the Parliament army, with some selective last-ditch attacks by the Scots managed to force a tie.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Turnipday V

A St. Alamei's battery.

TurnipDay V was two weeks ago. I loaned a regiment to a new player and made up for slight shortage of figures for myself by running the St. Alamei's Battery cult.  St. Alamei's thing is that they get rocket launchers, the models for which I have had for quite some time but never really seriously played. The big lesson learned rather quickly was that you should position another unit or a snob (officer) out in front of the rocket launcher in some way - in Turnip28 you must almost always target the closest enemy unit when shooting.  In Turnip28 there is also a preliminary bombardment phase.  In my first game, my opponent also had artillery and did preliminary bombardment first and one of my launchers was his closest target, so I lost one of my four units before the first turn even started (in typical Turnip28 fashion, I ended winning this match, in the end - a Turnip28 game is never over until the last turn).

Ben's turnips

Rob's turnips.

Rob's pig model for the chase-the-pig scenario.

Rob's toff of the Slug's Lament makes a dramatic entrance.

Chase the pig scenario near end of game.


Monday, May 6, 2024

Hunt for Bigfoot

I played in the 'Hunt for Bigfoot' Kings of War tournament three weekends ago. This was a three-game, one-day tournament with 10 players.  Hunt for Bigfoot had a rather neat sub-game to it where there were three tokens on each game board that you could pick up if any unit ended up in contact. At the end of each game you exchanged these for tickets and then there was a lottery out of a hat at the end of the day to win a 3d-print Bigfoot miniature that one of the tournament organizers designed.

Here's my Kingdoms of Men battle line: my Renaissance Spanish pike and swordsmen, supported by a pair of stone giants.

Stone Giant mixing it up with Trident Realms forces.

These pegasus knights significantly helped my army's performance.

Spaniards doing their best to slow down this Kraken.