I painted up a unit of 4 whelps for Turnip28. Whelps are light cavalry in Turnip, and I equipped mine with black powder weapons so they "shoot and scoot." As with all things Turnip, this does not really make the unit any better than any other of the units (pretty much everything being woefully incompetent)! I also painted up two banner carriers and integrated them into existing multibases. Then I had two games with Ben and his snail knights on Sunday. I chose the Stranglin' Harry cult so I could just use my new whelps and my banner-bearing fodder units. I lost 'Wheel of Fortune' and won 'Into the Breach.' I believe both games were decided on the last turn. Next up I believe I will get my chaff (skirmishers) up to 4 models (I initially only painted 3, for some reason), and perhaps start on a new Cult-specific model.
The Turnip-headed mounts look suitably insane!