Monday, May 6, 2024

Hunt for Bigfoot

I played in the 'Hunt for Bigfoot' Kings of War tournament three weekends ago. This was a three-game, one-day tournament with 10 players.  Hunt for Bigfoot had a rather neat sub-game to it where there were three tokens on each game board that you could pick up if any unit ended up in contact. At the end of each game you exchanged these for tickets and then there was a lottery out of a hat at the end of the day to win a 3d-print Bigfoot miniature that one of the tournament organizers designed.

Here's my Kingdoms of Men battle line: my Renaissance Spanish pike and swordsmen, supported by a pair of stone giants.

Stone Giant mixing it up with Trident Realms forces.

These pegasus knights significantly helped my army's performance.

Spaniards doing their best to slow down this Kraken.

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic pictures - the winged horsemen are very impressive
