#turnip28 conversions WIP

Building #turnip28 factions in actually 28mm (as opposed to earlier 54mm warbands).  Conversions using Old Glory metal Napoleonic figures with headswaps for 3d printed helmets.

First batch of of fodder figures: Old Glory 1806 French advancing, with 3D printed heads and paper towel with brushed on PVA as scarves/rags to hide transitions between heads and bodies.

3 converted figures primed in gesso.

Moving on to block painting.  Jackets are a mix of browns, grays, and earthy greens and blue-grays. Same for scarves/rags.

Some yellow ochre has joined the mix... you can also better see the bicornes atop a few of the helmets.

Objective markers: three oversized turnips ready for digging out, and a roadside turnip shrine.

Roadside shrine objective marker with a miraculous turnip-homunculus inside. Basswood and coffee stirrer off-cuts. 

Work bench state of affairs.

Three completed figs, post black-wash. I ended up deciding that painting trousers in brighter colors and/or with organized patterns was sufficiently motley-looking as long as jackets did not match and retained earthy or muted color tones.

Starting in on second round of fodder - these use Russian 1806 grenadiers for bodies and shakos.

Making a backdrop for photos and/or games - Bruegel's Triumph of Death cropped and printed on two pieces of 11x17 paper. Then the two carefully pieced back together on a large piece of cardboard. Attach with a glue stick to avoid warping and wrinkling.

First two units of fodder (12 figs each), which used 1806 French bodies by Old Glory.  Heads from the #turnip28 patreon.  Left-hand unit have yellow pants and right-hand have blue-stripped trousers. 

These bases need a little more work. These use kitty litter painted dark brown.

I wish I had been more careful clipping off heads and saved more of the bicornes... alas many had partial clips into them...

The blue-striped pajama bottoms Fodder unit.  Quite pleased with this batch.

Experimenting with fungal growths on figures using milliput. Shape into a small ball and press onto figure. Add creepy pores with a toothpick or other small object.

 I located my bag of roots I pulled up from a nearby sidewalk tree planting strip last summer! Here's some growing out of this person.

Russian grenadier conversions to turnip fodder coming along. This fodder unit will all have the hats with big plumes.

Fungal growth experiments.

Fungal growth experiments. You can get so much from such a small amount of milliput material!

A probable toady, with rooty growths.

Rooty toady. Another angle.

Rooty toady. Another angle.

I don't like painting drummers, generally. But I used some excess milliput and sculpted this face over the exterior of the drum. The angle is such most people will probably not notice it...

I like this pose. Disappointed the bag of 30 only included one.

These big-plume fodders have been awarded green-and-white checkered trousers.

And the other unit of fodder (sans big plumed-shakos) get pink pants with a curly-cue red stripe, inspired by the designs on zouave vests.

Free-hand shields for my first designated unit of brutes. The Radish Eaters.

A little more progress on the shrine objective marker.

And I found better sprouts/leaves for the big turnips.

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