Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Lost in the Fog Whilst Crossing the Dredge


Jamie wanted to play Turnip28 some more, so back to the land of weirdos and mud it was! Notable this time around was we tried to convert two scenarios for a 4' square board to a 3': 'Crossing the Dredge' and 'Lost in the Fog.' The former probably needs a more interested scenario blunder rule, and is also begging for bespoke terrain in the form of a muddy river or slough running across the board.  The latter has an awesome set-up that in typical Turnip28 fashion just makes list-building power-gaming really really counterproductive.  I forget what the third scenario was since we were running out of time and trying to rush through it a bit much...

Jamie played his crabs again. I played the rootshrine. I think the crabs won, mostly, although I think I killed the crab each time...

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