Sunday, October 29, 2017

Black Powder Retreat from Waterloo

Pete ran a great Black Powder game premised around French forces making a fighting retreat after Waterloo.  It's premised on the Napoleonic scenario from the back of the Black Powder rulebook, and involves the French starting at the middle of an impossibly long 12' table and needing to exit 10 unbroken units at one end over a bridge (river is otherwise impassible).  Coming from the other end is the pursing British.

Since this is intended to be a convention-game, Pete dropped most of the various special rules (so the French lost their advantages for using the Attack Column formation, for example) and also gave both sides pretty vanilla-flavored troops. French commanders were also rated at a low 7 compared to the British 8, to represent a post-Waterloo shattered command system.  Nick, Andy and I were the French and Dave, Alyssa, and Victor were the British.

The French players conceded declared an overwhelming partial victory after four hours of play, with nine units clustered around the bridge and ready to exit, but the key tenth unit necessary for victory still at the halfway point of the table and on the verge of being either destroyed or completely encircled by the advancing British. 


  1. Fun looking game; was that based on the "El Perez" scenario? My first BP game was also based on that scenario (much smaller scale).

  2. A great game; always love playing Napoleonics and to get to play with a fellow Brit was a bonus
