Fun SAGA gathering, with everyone in pretty goofy moods. I played my Lombards yet again, this time against Chris' Anglo-Saxons in the 'Feasting and Pillaging' scenario. I thought I did well enough early on, just being cagey and grabbing two of the treasure tokens early on. Then Chris took one from from my mounted Warriors (reducing my unit of 10 to 4) and I decided to try and get them back with the four alone with the support of four or five different Saga abilities in one attack. I knew it was not the best idea, hence, a "hold my beer" moment. I did actually land a bunch of hits on his unit, and then he just got an atypical saving throws result and only lost like one figure, so my effort was for naught (although I did get the treasure back). Of course, because I blew all my dice on the showboat move, the rest of the warband did nothing, and then were helpless when Chris launched his counterattacks on his following turn. Things went predictably downhill from there, and I had seven or so levy archers on the board by the time it was all over, but did get my other unit of warriors with one treasure token off board.
Starting positions. |
These mounted warriors are about to be attacked by the foot levy. |
Attack on mounted warriors by Saxon fyrd underway. |
Here's my mounted hearthguard trying to come over to support the "hold my beer" warriors who have recaptured the treasure but are exhausted and will have no dice support when they are counterattacked. The Saxon mounted hearthguard will wipe out the warriors and then reduce the Lombard hearthguard down to 2 figures (again, no board support).
Here's the considerably more dire situation after the "hold my beer" attack, pretty close to end-game, with the Lombards having taken tons of casualties. |
*Not from Y Gododin.