Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Turnip28 Regiments Completed!

#Turnip28 chaff (skirmishers). The pavise shields make it easy to tell that these are Chaff.

I got very close to finishing painting these last summer/fall, but ended up setting them aside. Taking another look at them a few weeks ago, I realized that the various chaff (skirmishers), the bombard, the two rocket batteries, a unit of brutes (heavy infantry), and six commander figures, were all over 90% painted. Instead of getting them all back at the bench at once, I did a unit or two at a time, and was able to finish everything up.

Here's one possible regimental configuration: two rocket batteries, a unit of chaff and a unit of fodder (regular troops).

These are all Old Glory Napoleonic figures, with 3D printed resin heads from the Turnip28 patreon. I clip the the original metal head, glue on the resin head, and use a bit of tissue paper or paper towel to make a raggedy scarf or cloak to disguise any imperfections in the join.  I add bits of actual roots from yard weeds, or these very interesting textured stems from our horse chestnut tree, to make rooty growths coming out of the poor chaps' necks or backs or torsos. Tufts work well as well for fungal growths.

Two rocket batteries.

The bombard ("grand boombard") and rocket batteries are also from the patron. For the rocket battery, I added fuses using some thread that unraveled from a throw blanket one night while watching movies.

Fodder led by a "toady" (sub-commander). The toady's right arm is a plastic spare, and I used his cloak to cover up the join.

My painting scheme is muted browns or pastels for jackets and cloaks but trousers can be more interesting. The above unit of Fodder has green-and-white checked trousers, for example.

Here's another possible confirguration: a Fodder, a Chaff, and two units of Brutes (elites in units of six figs).

There's a fun/easy cult called the "Slug's Lament" that features "Grognard" Old Guard units that arrive late in the game. The below chaps with red trousers are part of that cult - I would want to add another unit though.

Really happy with the little turnips on the belt of the fella on the front left there.  Those are also 3d printed but I wasn't sold on them being worth the effort until they were painted.

These shields for this second unit of chaff are okay but could have used a little something more. Because of the way they are mounted, I can always go back and add something though.

The fodder here (painted quite earlier) have white trousers with blue stripes.

These Brutes are easily picked out by their large shields.

A third configuration: a grand bombard, two fodder units, and a chaff unit.

The grand bombard I've had for almost a year and it took almost that long to paint. I made a slightly elevated base with its own platform that I then glued the 3d printed bombard to. There was quite a bit of modification to the various crew, as well.  The gun swabs were completely replaced with steel wire and I topped them with actual cotton swab tips to get an exaggerated look.The fuse lighter guy also got a longer, steel wire fuse and I wrapped some of that blanket thread around it.

A "toff" (general) on his turnipy, rooty steed.

I still have a lot of figures that I can convert, but the above gives me enough to run a two player demo and/or loan figures to a player with a yet unfinished warband.

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