Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Wildwood 2023

Kingdoms of Men versus Lizardmen.

I participated in a five-game, two-day Kings of War fantasy wargaming tournament. I entered my renaissance French as a 'Kingdoms of Men' army.  Kings of War is a list-building game, and I deliberately built a list without a lot of added buffs, just to see what would happen.

The revised deployment.

What happened was what I suspected would happened - I went 0-3 on the first day and my army was tabled (all units removed) twice!  However, I was trying different approaches and trying the learn as I went along. On the second day I changed my deployment/strategy radically and almost eeked out a win (got the tie instead) on game 4. 

Kingdoms of Men versus Abyssal Dwarfs.

On game 5 I psyched myself out during deployment and put myself in a poor position. I lost but not as badly as on first-day.

The oversized, quickly painted the night before red banners denote that a one-turn only status effect ("indomitable will") is in play.  The banners are not glued in place and can be sleeved over a unit's pike or lance and then removed when done.

I think its quite commendable that I could take a list I knew wasn't the greatest and lose horribly at first but quickly get better through experience and player decision.  My opponents voted the French as Favorite Army which was quite kind.


  1. Exciting looking games!
    Having a banner with "Invictus" on it is definitely throwing down the gauntlet
