Monday, January 8, 2024

Clash at Cabluff

A Royalist army and a Parliamentarian army (with Scottish allies) met in arms at Cabluff, in the north of England.  The first game of the new year, using Kings of War Historical.  Unit profiles were taken straight from the 'Conquistadors' list, because that list has (a) Arquebusiers, which have the better effectiveness than handgunners, and (b) a cavalry-with-pistols profiles called Conquistadors. Accordingly, all pikes were Heavy Pikemen regiments, all cavalry were Conquistador regiments, and all shotte units were Arquebusiers.   Each side had the same number and types of units (3 pikes, 4 muskets, 4 cavalry) plus two cannon each and three mounted generals each. 

The scenario was the "Loot' scenario, whereby there are three obejctive tokens in along the center line of the table.  A unit ending its turn atop a token picks it up and carries it around. If that unit is destroyed in melee the victor can pick it up.  At the end of the game, the player with the most tokens wins.

Both sides deployed to try cavalry flanking strategies.  The Royalists deployed all of its cavalry on its right flank while the Parliament-Scots deployed two regiments on each flank. 

Both sides essentially succeeded in taking their respective right flanks, resulting in the complete route of the Royalist left and center.  But all the objective tokens were towards the Royalist right, so the it was to them that the victory ultimately went. 

The 'Conquistadors' list worked fine for English Civil War, allowing each of the pike-shotte-horse-artillery components to have their moment of great effectiveness. 

Would really like to add some dismounted cavalry to act as a sort of forlorn hope/sword-and-buckler type units to add a little more variety.  A great start to the new year of gaming!

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