Thursday, August 15, 2024



TurnipdayVIII was a few weeks ago and I forgot to post up about it (the next one is like in a few days!). We had a dreaded odd number of players but we managed to make it work. We also had two new players with some fantastic minis which is always great!

Rob also built terrain for two more scenarios, "the bridge one" and the "mushroom one." I didn't get a chance to try the mushroom one but the bridge one was really fun and challenging. 

July/August has been very busy/distracting/exhausting on the non-gaming life, so I have had very little time for painting or modelling, which I never realized carried as much importance to me as they do. Only now sorta starting to get back into thinking about it again. I have been thankful for the opportunity to play Turnip28 with so many like-minded people during this relative hobby-dry spell.  Its very nice to have actual gameplay pick up the slack when the painting brush lies inactive!

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Lost in the Fog Whilst Crossing the Dredge


Jamie wanted to play Turnip28 some more, so back to the land of weirdos and mud it was! Notable this time around was we tried to convert two scenarios for a 4' square board to a 3': 'Crossing the Dredge' and 'Lost in the Fog.' The former probably needs a more interested scenario blunder rule, and is also begging for bespoke terrain in the form of a muddy river or slough running across the board.  The latter has an awesome set-up that in typical Turnip28 fashion just makes list-building power-gaming really really counterproductive.  I forget what the third scenario was since we were running out of time and trying to rush through it a bit much...

Jamie played his crabs again. I played the rootshrine. I think the crabs won, mostly, although I think I killed the crab each time...